In order to find innovative collaborative solutions to various problems areas; seminars, training programs, courses, projects, exhibitions, collaborative activities, conferences and panels will be organized starting from Turkey. Scientific researches will be conducted based upon data collection in order to modify and activate better activities focusing person and society problems.
Furthermore, 10 different İmece Circles will be formed to conduct projects within those areas:
- Collaboration (=imece) Circle for Learning and teaching problem solving skills,
- İmece circle for the disabled people and creating empathy for them,
- İmece circle for ICT and Innovative Approaches,
- İmece circle for human rights,
- İmece circle for peace and non-violence,
- İmece circle for Quality in education,
- İmece circle for pre-school children and their creativity,
- İmece circle for entrepreneurship in languages, history and environment,
- İmece circle for art and music,
- İmece circle for the improvement of cultural and intercultural understanding.